Saturday, February 28, 2015


Scientology symbol
Scientology began in the 1950's by fiction writer, L. Ron Hubbard.  It is a new religion that seems to focus on facts and knowledge rather than emotions or faith.  It goes hand in hand with Dianetics, which their website,, states is a methodology which can help alleviate unwanted sensations and emotions, irrational fears and psychosomatic illnesses (illnesses caused or aggravated by mental stress).
This religion has grown and it seems it is now around 10 million.  Celebrities like Tom Cruise have brought the religion to the spot light with many people wondering exactly what kind of religion it is.
It is a religion dedicated to improving life with scientific facts and using a scientific method that frees the mind of pain, fear and hate and anything that inhibits a person from being happy.  There is no faith, there is only what is proven to work and see it for yourself to believe it.  The focus is on the mind, body, and spirit and survival in the universe.  A person can free their minds with Auditors, or Counselors that help Scientologists reach hidden abilities they don't know they have.

A curious thing about Scientology ais that it believes in reincarnation like Hinduism.  Its the only religion it seems to have anything in common with.

Last time I spoke of forgiveness.  Well, forgiveness in Scientology does not exist.  Hubbard says, "If there is any saintly quality, it is not to forgive. “Forgiveness” accepts the badness of the act. There is no reason to accept it. Further, one has to label the act as bad to forgive it. “Forgiveness” is a much lower-level action and is rather censorious."  I'm not sure about this.  I think forgiveness frees the mind and there are acts that we consider bad and affect us emotionally and we need to free the mind of this emotion to move forward.  Forgiveness does this for us.

Scientology is an interesting and complicated religion.  There are many facets to it that are difficult to understand when I read about it.  But the concept of believing in what is in front of you and what is proven is a good one.  I believe in that but I also believe in what isn't proven and I think there is so much more than what is in front of us.  And like Scientologists, every religion has the goal of freeing the mind so we can survive. Scientologists do that themselves, other religions free the mind by releasing it to God.  Ultimately the goal is to be happy and live a happy life.  There are just many ways to go about doing that.

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