Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Baha'i Faith

Bahai star.svg
The Baha'i Faith coincides directly with Omnism because one of their core beliefs is "unity of religion". Which is exactly what I'm trying to achieve here!

The Baha'i believe in one God and the spiritual unity of all humans.  They have three primary beliefs. 
  • The unity of God, and that there is only one God.
  • The unity of religion, and religions have the same spiritual source and come from the same God.
  • The unity of humans, and all humans are created equal and diverse cultures and people are one.
Baha'i is a relatively new religion that currently has around four million followers.  It began in the 19th century in Iran.  Baha'u'llah began the religious teachings until he was imprisoned in the Ottoman Empire and then his son Abdu'l-Baha continued the teachings with it spreading to Europe and America.
The Baha'i teachings focus on prayer and serving others to get closer to God.  They believe that messengers, such as Abraham, Jesus, Mohammed, and Buddha, as well as Bha'u'llah came to give God to the people in a way that they needed at that time in history.  So, all these religions are connected.
Also, as with all religions, the Baha'i faith has faced much persecution for their beliefs.  Muslims, Iran especially, have targeted Baha'is because they are considered apostates for leaving Islam. Many Baha'is are imprisoned and harassed. 
Honestly, I don't understand this need to persecute someone because they are different.  A religion that talks only of love and unity should be revered, not criticized.  People wanting only peace are sought after and killed in the name of God.  Well, the God that I know speaks only of love and forgiveness and being kind, even to your enemy.  It's distressing how words can be twisted to suit hatred.

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