Thursday, February 5, 2015

Hinduism is Easily a part of Omnism

Image result for hinduism symbol

Hinduism is a vast religion and I couldn't possibly cover everything with one simple post.  It is one of the top religions in the world with 900 million people believing.  Most of which are in the India and Nepal region. 

One of the things I find most interesting is that its really not a religion like other religions.  There is no one person responsible for the spread of the religion, like Jesus or Mohammed.  And there is no sacred book that you must adhere to.  It is a way of life, a way to live, more like a feeling of being rather than a book or strict laws that you force upon yourself so that you may be a part of a particular religion. 

They say that, like Yazidis, you have to be born into being Hindu.  But so many people across the world have adapted Hinduism outside of India and Nepal that its impossible to restrict such a popular religion.  And since its more of a way of life, anyone can live as a Hindu.

Though there are no books and founders.  There are a few ways of life that is common amongst Hindu's.
  •      Most Hindu's hold sacred, the scriptures called Veda's.  These are texts and Veda means Knowledge.  These are ancient truths and believed to be passed directly from God.
  •      They due believe in a supreme being, God, but also in deities that represent God.
  •      They believe in Karma and the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.  How you live this life will determine what your next life will be like.
  •       And Dharma is important.  This is the code of conduct that Hindu's try to live by so their next life will be a good one.  Like the ten commandments.  A set of morals so that society can live in peace.  All religions seem to have this.  And I would say that this is one of the most important things about religions.  Because if perhaps religion didn't dictate a set of moral values, then society would be in total chaos and we would be going around killing one another.  Maybe?
Hinduism includes and is similar to other India religions, such as Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.

Diwali, is the festival of lights, and the sacred holiday for Hindu's, Sikh's, and Jain's.  This holiday is a day of hope and renewed energy for goodwill.  Gifts are given and feasts are prepared for this celebration.   Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth is revered on this day in hopes of a fantastic year.  Legends of Good conquering Evil are also associated with Diwali.  A demon Narakaasura kidnapped 16,000 daughters and Lord Krishna killed the demon and freed the daughters.  And another legend of another demon is believed.  Ravana (who had ten arms and ten heads), and was king of Sri Lanka. He kidnapped the wife of Rama.  Rama went to save his wife, Sita, and killed the demon Ravana and reunited with his wife.  On the way back, it was dark and they could not find their way so people put lamps out to light the way and that's why they call it the festival of lights.

Every religion seems to have that attitude of Good always wins over Evil.  Also, that you must live by a set of moral values and be on the 'Good' side of the universe.  That's why its easy to believe in them all and be an Omnist. 

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