Monday, February 16, 2015

Atheist or Anti-Theist

Image result for atheist symbol 

I recognize Atheism as a religion.  But this is one I've been hesitant to write about.  Because I can't say as an Omnist and belief in all religions that I believe in Atheism, or that there is no God.  When I truly believe in the other religions.  The ones that state there is a God.  So, is Atheism a part of Omnism?  I don't know to be honest.  I do know that I respect the Atheist beliefs because everyone has a right to believe what they want to and you can't change the heart of a person.

However, after the recent shootings in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.  The killer of three young Muslims was said to be an Atheist or an Anti-Theist, is the new term for him.  I have heard he hated all religions.  He didn't just not believe there was a God, but detested anyone that thought there was one.  I wonder if that is how Atheists behave.  Then I remember that every group has fundamentalists or extremists and this is an example of an Atheist terrorist.

Because there are Atheists that don't believe in God but still try to live a good, moral life.  Atheists around the world recently developed their own Ten Commandments.  Which include, commandments such as "Be open-minded", "Be mindful of the consequences of all your actions and recognize that you must take responsibility for them", "Treat others as you would want them to treat you", and "Leave the world a better place than you found it".   These are all things that I agree with and try to live by.  So, then again maybe I am a little bit Atheist.  Here's a great article where you can find all ten of the commandments.

Then there is the Pastor, Ryan Bell, that lived a year as an Atheist and in the end decided that there was no God and he is an Atheist.  He's not a bad person, just chose reality instead of God.  I can see the appeal and how much easier life could be without belief and faith.  Because those two things do take some effort.

But I know the feeling of not being sure of a supreme being or God or the universe being connected somehow.  A feeling of where there seems to be no hope or reason for what you're going through or experiencing in life.  This feeling is lost and sad and I didn't like it.  I choose to believe in God and that the universe is connected and my life has a purpose and the moments with my family matter and that faith holds me up and helps me to see the beauty of the world.  Believing makes my life, this life I am living, better.  When I have faith I'm connected to God, the energy inside of me feels charged and loving and excited.  I'm not saying that I don't have questions and criticisms for religions, but I believe that any religion that can't take a little criticism, isn't worth the effort of believing.  Even Omnism.


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