Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Islamophobia and Free Speech

I've been reading a lot in the news lately about Islamophobia and the protests in Germany of citizens not wanting Islam to take over their country.  These protests stem from the fear of terrorism and the attacks that Islam extremists insist on doing, like the recent one in France.  People are afraid of what they don't understand and others are using this fear to create more fear.  Neither one is truly helping any cause but chaos. 

The many Muslims that I know actually spread peace and love and acceptance, therefore not all Muslims want to push their religion and beliefs on you nor are they extremists wanting to blow up the west.  Most are normal folk like you and me, just trying to do the right thing and get through each day the best way they can and know how.

I was shocked to find that Duke University actually reversed the decision that allowed a Muslim call to prayer, chanting the adhan that signals Jummah, or weekly prayer service on Friday.  Giving in to the fear of violence is in essence allowing hate to rule over acceptance.  So, should then the Sunday church bell also not be allowed?  If we all give in to fear when we try to stand up for equality of faiths and people, then we would not have Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and we would still have segregated schools and women would not be allowed to vote nor many other strides that we have had in the past century.

French laws banning the burqa, or full body and face covering, that some Muslim women wear in public places.  Or them banning head coverings in state schools, seems to me to also squash the freedom of expression and freedom of speech like Duke University.  I would say this falls in line with Islamophobia, and in truth, perhaps it does a little.  But looking at French history, their President doesn't swear in office, on a Bible, nor do their schools put on a Christmas nativity story.  So, at least it seems that the ban on religious expression in public places in France falls on all religions and not just Islam.  But seriously, why should there even be a law banning freedom of religious expression.  Shouldn't we just accept that one person believes differently than us.

It does go both ways too.  A recent scheduled Islam protest I heard about in Germany was cancelled due to fear of riots and extremists.  I will say I don't agree with cancelling due to fear of retaliation because of someone expressing their beliefs.  Though I don't agree with the message they are sending that Islam is bad and don't let it take over your country, I do think they have a right to say what they believe and the government should not have cancelled their protest, giving into fear.

I feel like if we say Islam is bad because one person carried out an attack in the name of Islam, then shouldn't we do it for every bad thing that happens.  So, the school shooting in America was done by someone with a mental illness problem, and many children were killed.  Therefore we should lock up anyone with a mental illness just in case they go and kill innocent people also.  Wouldn't that be convicting them before they were even found guilty.  It breaks my heart, anyone being a victim of violence, especially children, but just because one person in that "category" did a heinous act, it doesn't mean everyone in that "category" will commit a heinous act.

I am passionate talking about Islam and the hate that is sometimes associated with it.  I love my husband and his family and they are all Muslim and wonderful and completely the same as my Christian family.  They all go through the same struggles and the same problems and the same happy moments and the same love.  If you took away the religion, they would be equal in the eyes of so many.  It easy for me to accept Islam into my being an Omnist because all I see are the numerous similarities between Christianity and Islam and not so many differences.

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