Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Catholicism and Pope Francis

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The message is clear that I get from the new Pope.  He is not pushing Catholicism onto people nor is he forcing rules of Catholicism onto the public.  Pope Francis is spreading humanity and kindness and joy and help to the poor.  Around the world, Catholics and non Catholics gather to see him and his radiant energy of love. 

I have always envisioned Catholics to be Christians and to believe in the same words, but with stricter rules and regulations regarding faith and God.  But that is not what I see these days with this Pope leading the way.

Looking at his daily mass, at, Pope Francis speaks of God and love over and over again.  His focus is on the homeless, the sick, the poor, no matter their religion.

Rather than condemn Catholics when their marriage has failed, he prayed that they be accompanied in their time of need.  He met with a transgender man.  He comes across open and honest, even on touchy subjects like the abuse of children in the Catholic church, which tried to be covered up in previous years.

Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury describes the Pope as "humanity on fire."

Pope Francis said "resist competing for souls and make concrete gestures of acceptance and dialogue." He urges us to have Christian unity.

He also says "the most effective antidote to violence among Christians and Muslims is learning about each other and then accepting differences."

Check out more illuminating articles and quotes at

I never considered myself Catholic, I always thought that I, myself, could ask God for forgiveness without confessing to a Priest.  And it is relieving and inspiring letting go of words in my heart and mind to God, but I can imagine it being just as uplifting speaking my sins to a Priest.  Also, I think birth control is a blessing and that children should come into a world of love and not regret and if birth control helps ease the pain and burden of some then it can't be all bad.  Furthermore, it is God that provides us the knowledge to create medicine and technology and it is up to us to use it responsibly.

However, the message coming from Pope Francis and Catholics is a message I believe in.  I can say that part of me is Catholic and my hope is to spread love and humanity just as much as Pope Francis.

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