Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Sikhism seems to be a more and more popular religion.  It has been in the news quite often these days and I wonder why?  I never even  heard of it until just recently, even though it is now the world's fifth largest religion.

After researching Sikhism.  I can understand the fascination.  It is a giving religion, focusing on living a good life and doing good deeds and avoiding sins and showing compassion and kindness, believing all are equal and not doing empty religious rituals.  Like so many religions, these are the core beliefs.

Sikhs are monotheists, the belief in one God, it's important to them to do good works and not false rituals, have God in your heart, give to the poor, and serve others. 

Sikhism began in the India, Pakistan region in the 1500's with Guru Nanak.    They did not believe in the caste system and idol worship as was and is still popular in the region.  I'm sure it was difficult for them in an area ruled by Hinduism and Islam, but the religion stayed strong with nine more Guru's leading the way the years to come.

When accepted into the religion, you become a member of Khalsa and are baptized and must follow the Sikh code, or the five K's.   Kesh (uncut hair), Kara (a steel bracelet), Kanga (a wooden comb), Kaccha (cotton underwear) and Kirpan (steel sword). 

Sikhs believe in birth, life, and rebirth.  And Karma, what you do in this life, will determine the quality of your next life. To achieve a good life, Sikhs must follow Nam Japna, keeping God in mind at all times; Kirt Karna, earn an honest living and avoid crime; and Vand Chhanka, giving to charity.  These are the three duties.  There are five vices that Sikhs must overcome, lust, greed, attachment to worldly items, anger, and pride.  If the vices are overcome, a Sikh may have a better life in the next life.
The Sikh place of worship is the Gurdwara. 
The Sikh book of worship is Guru Granth Sahib.

For more facts on Sikhism, check out the description here

Overall, I would say that this is a great religion to add to my list and I do believe as the Sikhs do.  We are all equal, and we should take care of those less fortunate than us, and life isn't about religious rituals but just in keeping God and goodness in our hearts.  I also believe in Karma and making this life count and the possibility of being born again or rebirth.

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