Thursday, January 8, 2015

What Omnism Means to Me

Wikipedia states that Omnism is the recognition and respect of all religions.  Merriam-Webster says that an Omnist is one that believes in all religions.  For me Omnism and being an Omnist is exactly those things and more.  It is certain that religions are true.  The belief and power people put behind religious teachings makes them true.  The inspiring essence of God and wonders of the world brings faith and a smile to our hearts.  The history and proofs of religions that have held steady through thousands of years makes them true.  I cannot within my conscience say that one is wrong over the other. 

Omnism is more than even all of that.  It is a peace of mind and a united people.  It is letting go of hate to those that are different and letting go of arguments that try to prove who is right and who is wrong in their belief.  It is acceptance in what is and could be.  Omnism is a feeling of not only faith but of extraordinary rather than explanation.

Here is a good article that talks about Omnism that I enjoyed reading.

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