Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Asatru Movement

Image result for asatru movement symbol

The Asatru Movement is an old pagan religion from the Viking Age that was renewed in Iceland in the 1970s.  There are around 2,000 followers that believe in the Norse gods such as Thor, Odin, and Frigg.  Of which so many movies are made from these days and my kids love those stories and the possibility they may be true.

Most pagans today believe the old tales of the gods as metaphors, not necessarily literal.  As with some Christians using the messages of Jesus and the Bible as metaphors, not literally.  Pagans are basing their beliefs on history lessons and even folk tales.  Christianity bases their beliefs on the same thing, stories written down from people's point of views, which could also be classified as folk tales. 

Religions, like Christianity, have said Pagans are devil worshipers or godless creatures, because they're polytheistic rather than monotheistic.  I don't agree with that.

Pagan ethics believe in honor, courage, integrity, hard work, and loyalty.  All of which I would not say are evil.  Also, Christianity chose their holidays to coincide with pagan holidays so it would be easier to convert them.  So, who's to say who is right and wrong. 

I think perhaps Thor, Odin, and other remarkable people did exist.  And the word used to described them were gods.  Many of the wise tales and traditions we have are passed down from our ancestors and are incredible and hard to explain.  If we believe in the one God and the possibility of His existence, then the possibility of Norse gods is also believable.

Conclusion, the pagan religion is included in Omnism.

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