Monday, December 1, 2014

All Muslims Are Not Terrorists and All Christians Are Not Fundamentalists

It is only one or a few that can give an entire group a good or bad name and forever classify them as that stereotype.  I agree with the Pope Francis on his visit to Turkey when he said "all Muslims are not terrorists just as all Christians are not fundamentalists."  So why do we classify them as such?

I think it's this need inside of us to group things together.  My five year old is constantly bringing home assignments that require her to group things that are similar and classify them as such.  I don't understand why a bird must be in the group of animals and a tree in the group of nature.  Why shouldn't a bird and a tree be in the same group?  To me it seems a much better fit and we shouldn't always have to be classified as one particular group.

But if we do have that need to put someone in a group or be in a group, let's all be classified as humans.  Or souls.  Or humanity.  Or people.  Those are things we have in common.  Our group so to say.